Inici » ERC presents proposals to reverse the tax increase in Igualada

ERC presents proposals to reverse the tax increase in Igualada

un home amb vestit i corbata parlant per un micròfon amb un micròfon davant seu i un micròfon al fons, Antonie Palamedesz, ignacio fernandez rios, un retrat, plasticien

ERC presents allegations to reverse the increase in municipal rates

The spokesman for ERC Igualada, Enric Conill, has announced that he will present allegations to reverse the increase in municipal rates of 5.1% that the Junts government was able to approve due to the absence of an Igualada councilor Here we go. The republican proposal will be debated at the next municipal meeting. With the presentation of the allegations, the Republicans will propose to reverse the increase in the prices of public services in the city.

Reactions to previous tax increases

This increase in rates is added to the previous increase in taxes made by the government of Igualada with the support of the PSC, which was 8% of the IBI, of 56% capital gains, of 27% the garbage fee and 9% the other fees. Now with this new increase in rates, the Republicans consider that the government “takes the hair of the equal, increasing taxes and fees year after year and that not having enough, it makes an increase again, this time from 5.1 %”.

Controversy over the latest rate hike

The last increase of 5.1% was approved with the votes of Junts per Igualada and thanks to the absence of a councilor from the PSC. Faced with a tie, Castells used his quality vote. A practice that, according to the Republicans, “is unethical and an ugly move by the mayor, taking advantage of the alteration of the quorum of the municipal meeting and doing it in a very inelegant way”.

Hope in the support of the PSC

In this sense, the republicans affirm that “we understand correctly that the PSC group, which had an absent councilor during the plenum in which the vote was held, will also agree with this amendment that reverses the increase in municipal rates and that , therefore, they will support it as well as taking advantage of a tool like the amendments to precisely be able to reverse a decision that was not taken by the majority of the municipal plenum, a requirement that is totally necessary”.

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