European Elections: The Party’s Over breaks into the European Parliament with 3 deputies

The Se Acabó la Fiesta party, led by Alvise Pérez, obtains 3 seats in the European Parliament

The political party Se Acabó la Fiesta, led by the well-known political analyst Alvise Pérez, has achieved an important result in the European elections. With a total of 799,307 votes, representing 4.59% of the vote, the party has won 3 seats in the European Parliament. This result is comparable to that obtained by the Sumar party, led by Yolanda Díaz, which also won 3 seats.

Alvise Pérez: a controversial political analyst who has gained notoriety in recent years

Alvise Pérez, born in Seville in 1990, is a political analyst who has gained fame in recent years through social networks, especially on Twitter and his Telegram channel. Previously, he was affiliated with Ciudadanos and held the position of Toni Cantó’s chief of staff in the Valencian Community. His popularity has been based on the dissemination of controversial information, in many cases denied, but which has found echo in sectors of the extreme right.

A challenge for Vox and the PP

The emergence of Se Acabó la Fiesta on the political scene represents a challenge for Vox, since Alvise Pérez has obtained a significant part of its voters. In addition, the party also represents a problem for the PP, which seeks to unify the right-wing vote in all its variants. The presence of Se Acabó la Fiesta clearly penalizes the PP, by dividing the ideological spectrum of the right.

Controversies and condemnations

Alvise Pérez has been involved in various controversies throughout his career. In March 2020, he was convicted of spreading false information about Manuela Carmena during the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, he has clashed with journalists whom he accuses of having connections with political parties. Despite the falsehoods in his speeches, he has managed to earn a place in society.

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