Inici » Europeans for convenience, of course

Europeans for convenience, of course

un mapa d'Europa amb molts colors i un oceà blau al fons amb una vora groga, Art i llenguatge, reduït, un trencaclosques, regionalisme

European identity

There is no such thing as a European people. Nor a European national consciousness. Everyone is from their home and only an enlightened minority sees Europe as an essential feature of their political identity; the rest places it on a subordinate level and looks at it basically in utilitarian terms, which is not surprising because the path of the European Union has been made from utilitarianism.

The beginnings of the European Union

The founding fathers created the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951, hoping that the interdependence of economies would ward off the risk of a return to arms. From here, the European Union has been expanding and ceding portions of national sovereignty to community bodies.

The role of the European Council

Despite this, the European Council, which brings together the governments of the Member States, continues to have the final say in major decisions. It is in this instance where alliances are negotiated and supports are exchanged, always with the aim of defending national interests.

The perception of Europe in Spain and Catalonia

In Spain and Catalonia, the perception of Europe has always been linked to the benefits it offers: democracy, tariff-free products, subsidies, monetary stability and freedom of movement. All this is very useful and beneficial, but we have never stopped seeing the French or the Germans as French and German before Europeans.

The fragility of the European Union

When the European Union is no longer perceived as a source of benefits, its popularity declines. Often, we only appreciate what we have when we lose it. It is important to remember that all progress is reversible and that we must value the European Union for what it has brought us.

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