Inici » Felipe Orts wins alone in Cervera del Maestre to close the Spanish XCO Cup

Felipe Orts wins alone in Cervera del Maestre to close the Spanish XCO Cup

un home que va en bicicleta per un camí de terra al costat d'un bosc ple de gent amb bicicletes i una multitud de gent mirant, Emiliano Ponzi, cara rodona, foto, superplana

A solo triumph

The rider from La Vila, Felipe Orts, achieved a remarkable victory in the last stage of the Spanish XCO Cup, held in Cervera del Maestre. Orts, demonstrating an excellent reading of the race, managed to take the lead in the penultimate lap, thus securing his second victory in this competition.

Development of the competition

The race in Cervera del Maestre was the scene of the last stage of the Spanish XCO Cup, where Felipe Orts set his main objective to achieve victory. From the beginning, the runner from Alicante showed his determination, advancing solidly until he was in second position, behind the leader Cristofer Bosque.

This dynamic was maintained throughout the competition, with both runners widening the gap with their pursuers. With very positive feelings, Felipe Orts decided to dose his efforts in search of victory. With a well-defined strategy, the Alicante runner accelerated the pace with two laps remaining, taking advantage of his great explosiveness to distance himself alone and achieve an advantage of close to thirty seconds.

Statements and perspectives

After the race, Felipe Orts said: ‘It was a hard-fought victory, a long race with a lot of effort. Seeing the situation, I decided to start with two laps to go, opening a gap that turned out to be decisive. With this result, I finish the Spanish Cup satisfied, adding two victories and securing second place in the general classification.’

This triumph represents a moral boost at a crucial time, with our sights set on the Spanish XCO Championship, scheduled for July 14 in Huelva.

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