First-year resident doctor at Althaia: an enriching experience

A well thought out decision

Clàudia Gibert Martí, a first-year resident doctor in Althaia, made a well-thought-out decision when she chose to do her residency in Manresa. After finishing his degree in Medicine at the Manresa teaching unit of the UVic-UCC, Gibert began his residency in Althaia in May. In this interview, she tells us the reasons that led her to make this decision.

A welcoming hospital

During his internship, Gibert had the opportunity to meet different hospitals and primary care centers. But it was the hospital of Sant Joan de Déu in Manresa that captivated his attention. Both the infrastructure and the atmosphere and the treatment she received made her feel comfortable from the first moment. Gibert emphasizes that even as a student, she was treated as an important part of the medical team and was able to establish a close relationship with patients.

The transition to residence

The transition from internship to residency was an important step for Gibert. During the internship, the supervising doctors played a more active role and explained the tasks to the students in detail. But now, as a resident, Gibert has more responsibilities and has to make decisions more autonomously. However, she emphasizes that she has never felt alone, as she has always had the support and help of the professionals around her.

The experience of emergency room guards

One of the most enriching experiences for Gibert has been working as an emergency room guard. In this environment, the pressure is greater and decisions must be made quickly and accurately. However, Gibert assures that he is having a great time and that he always has the support of the other residents.

The decision to stay in Manresa

Despite having options at larger hospitals or in the Metropolitan Area, Gibert decided to stay in Manresa. It was her experience during the internship and the good atmosphere she found in Althaia that convinced her. Gibert emphasizes that he was able to establish a close relationship with the teachers and that he felt part of the team from day one.

The way here

Both the Medicine career and the residency have been a challenge for Gibert. There have been moments of doubt and fatigue, but he has always persevered and found support in his classmates and teachers. Gibert emphasizes that his vocation for medicine and his passion for helping others have been the engines that have driven him this far.

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