Inici » Granollers Celebrates the Musical Legacy of Josep Maria Ruera

Granollers Celebrates the Musical Legacy of Josep Maria Ruera

Con el 125 aniversario del nacimiento de Josep Maria Ruera como excusa, Granollers se dispone a vivir un año lleno de conciertos, conferencias y otras actividades para recordar y poner en valor la figura del músico y compositor granollersense. “Será un año muy ruerense, muy de ciudad y también muy de país”, ha afirmado Anna Maria Piera, directora de la Escuela Municipal de Música y Conservatorio J.M. Ruera, en la presentación que ha tenido lugar este miércoles en el Museo de Granollers. “Queremos que la celebración de estos 125 años (8k, mejor calidad, obra maestra, muy detallado:1.1)

An Any Ple of Record and Recognition

On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the birth of Josep Maria Ruera, Granollers is preparing for a year dedicated to paying tribute to its influential figure. The Municipal School of Music and Conservatory J.M. Ruera, led by Anna Maria Piera, has organized a series of activities that promise a deep dive into the impact of the musician and composer on the community and the country.

Various Activities for All Audiences

This year’s celebration will not be limited to concerts, but will include talks, auditions and educational initiatives. Piera noted that the history of the Municipal School of Music, which has been in existence for almost a century, has been deeply influenced by Ruera’s vision of music as a pillar of education and culture.

Pedagogical Activities in Schools

With the aim of reaching the youngest, carts with pedagogical activities have been designed that will tour the primary schools of Granollers, where talks and auditions will also be organized to connect students with Ruera’s work.

A Richly Diversified Musical Agenda

Among the outstanding musical events, the Carles Riera Cycle will be inaugurated on February 14 with a concert by pianist Jordi Masó accompanied by students from the Conservatory. However, the most emblematic event will be the concert by the Granollers Chamber Orchestra on March 9, which pays tribute to the orchestras that Ruera fostered.

Festive Closing of the Year Ruera

The closing of the celebrations will take place in December with the participation of the choirs of Amics de la Unió, promising a spectacular culmination to a memorable year.

Community Collaboration and Cultural Projection

In addition to the musical activities, Ruera’s role in the history of the Granollers Museum will be highlighted, with collaborations from local entities such as the Popular University, the Sardanista Association, and others, to ensure that his legacy is known and celebrated by all.

An Exhibition at the Library of Catalonia

Between June and July, the Biblioteca de Catalunya will host an exhibition dedicated to the Ruera Fund, expanding the scope of the celebration beyond Granollers.

Remembering the Essence of Ruera

Taís Costa, representative of the Ruera family, shared the importance of this anniversary as an opportunity to reflect on the impact of his music and his legacy. His work was based on Greek culture, which he used to create a dialogue between the past and the future.

An Essential Legacy

The mayor, Alba Barnusell, stressed that Granollers would not be the same without Ruera, highlighting his commitment to education and culture that has endured over the years. His musical legacy has left an indelible mark on the city, contributing to its cultural and artistic richness.

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