Inici » How to act if you choke on a fish bone

How to act if you choke on a fish bone


Consequences of choking

If you’ve ever consumed fish, chances are you’ve experienced the unfortunate situation of choking on a bone. Beyond being uncomfortable, this can pose a danger if not addressed properly. In the following article, you will discover valuable tips on what to do if you choke on a fish bone in your throat.

Avoid coughing

The first thing you have to do if you choke on a fish bone is to avoid coughing. Although the natural reaction is to try to cough to expel the thorn, this could aggravate the situation. Coughing can displace the spine, causing it to penetrate deeper into the throat or even cause injury.

Drink liquids

After avoiding coughing, the next step is to drink fluids. This can help soften the throat and make it easier to expel the fishbone. Drink slowly and be sure to swallow carefully. If the thorn persists, do not continue drinking liquids.

Toss gently

If discomfort continues after drinking liquids, try coughing gently to dislodge the fishbone and expel it from your throat. Make sure you don’t cough too hard, as it could make the situation worse.

Foods that can help

If drinking fluids and coughing are not effective, try eating a piece of fresh bread. Bread can push the spine into the gastrointestinal tract and out of the throat. It also helps soften the throat, making it easier to swallow.

Try to remove the thorn

If the fishbone persists after drinking liquids, coughing, and eating bread, try spitting it out. If you can visualize the thorn in your mouth, try to remove it with tweezers or clean fingers. If you cannot identify it, avoid trying to locate it with your fingers to avoid causing damage.

Medical appointment

If none of these techniques work, or if the thorn continues to cause pain or difficulty breathing, seek medical help immediately. You may need a safe and professional removal.


In short, if you choke on a fish bone, it is crucial to stay calm. Drink liquids, eat bread and cough gently to try to expel the thorn. If you continue to experience discomfort or difficulty breathing, do not hesitate to seek medical assistance. Remember to be careful when consuming fish and be sure to remove all bones before cooking or eating it.

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