Inici » Imminent weather changes: a look at the next few hours

Imminent weather changes: a look at the next few hours

El jarro de agua fría de Roberto Brasero para las próximas horas: posibles sorpresas Roberto Brasero ha confirmado que el frío que llevamos padeciendo desde hace varios días se mantendrá unas horas más El frío llegó hace unos días para quedarse, y las previsiones se han cumplido con creces. De hecho, Roberto Brasero ya avisó de que este jueves por la mañana volveríamos a amanecer con heladas en muchas zonas y eso es exactamente lo que ha ocurrido. Aunque las temperaturas mínimas han experimentado ligeros aumentos,(8k, mejor calidad, obra maestra, muy detallado:1.1)

A persistent cold wave

The low temperatures are here to stay, as Roberto Brasero has pointed out. Although the minimums have experienced small increases, much of the Spanish territory continues to see negative values. Frost has been one of the main protagonists this morning, with warnings of intense cold in numerous regions.

Weather conditions for today

During the remaining hours of today, maximum temperatures will remain similar to previous days, with the North East and eastern Cantabrian experiencing even cooler temperatures. The presence of clouds may limit the rise of thermometers, maintaining stability in most communities, including the Canary Islands.

The arrival of a DANA: the imminent danger

Roberto Brasero has warned of the imminent arrival of an Isolated High-Level Depression (DANA) that will affect the Mediterranean. From this afternoon, weather conditions are expected to worsen in the Balearic Islands and the Mediterranean coast, with heavy rain and strong winds, especially in Catalonia, the Valencian Community and the Balearic Islands.

Forecasts of significant precipitation

The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) has predicted that rainfall accumulations could reach up to 60 liters per square meter in a 12-hour period, with intense areas south of Valencia and north of Alicante.

Possible snowfall: a scenario to consider

In addition to the rain, snow could make its appearance in several areas. In the mountains of the eastern third of the peninsula, snowfall is expected, with yellow warnings in the Pre-Pyrenees of Barcelona and Girona, where accumulations of up to 5 cm are expected above 900-1,000 meters.

Impact on other areas

The Gúdar and Maestrat mountain ranges in Teruel, as well as the interior of Castellón, could also see snowfalls of similar thickness. In addition, during the afternoon and early morning of Friday, snowflakes are not ruled out in other areas of the eastern peninsula.

The weekend: a change on the horizon

With the withdrawal of DANA scheduled for Saturday, the weather will calm down, but Sunday could bring a new storm that would generate new rain and snowfall in the northwest of the peninsula.

Final thoughts

The weather conditions these days highlight the importance of following the forecasts and being prepared for possible drastic changes. Nature continues to surprise us, and it is essential to stay informed to face the surprises that the weather may bring.

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