Inici » Interview | Covi Menéndez 67-year-old resident of Berga

Interview | Covi Menéndez 67-year-old resident of Berga

un home parat en una botiga amb un munt de menjar als prestatges darrere d'ell i un munt de menjar als prestatges darrere d'ell, Colin Gill, zabrocki, un retrat de personatges, art informel

Covi Menéndez: “I buy in the store to see the product and touch it”

Despite being from Berga, Menéndez went down to Manresa yesterday to take advantage of the sales and buy products he hadn’t found in his city.

How come it came from sales in Manresa?

I’ve already bought Berga there, but I needed some things that I haven’t found there and taking advantage of the fact that it’s Saturday I went down with my friends to buy them here and spend the day.

He has bought in Berga and Manresa. Is she regular at sales?

I try to take advantage of them because if they are not purchases you made on a whim, they allow you to save a lot.

You don’t buy on impulse, then?

I try not to, but that doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes. Generally, I buy things that I need and that way I’m pretty clear about what I’m looking for.

Have you seen it before in the shop window, on the networks…?

Since these are things I need, I know more or less which stores will have my style, and I usually end up finding what I’m looking for. The problem with sales is that the products are sold out, and sometimes it is difficult to find the size you are looking for.

To avoid this, do you usually go on sale quite a bit at the beginning?

Maybe not well at first, but pretty soon because you know the longer it takes, the more trouble you’ll have.

There is no longer that start date with those agglomerations of yesteryear. Do you find it good?

Of course! Especially to avoid those queues. Also, for whatever reason, if there is only one starting day, you may not be able to go.

Do you ever shop online?

Sometimes yes, but not for sales. I like to see the product and touch it. I prefer to go shopping in person.

Do you think the price reduction is correct?

Yes, today I bought things that were very worthwhile. I bought two pyjamas, a bag, and several shirts… Between that and the one I already bought in Berga, I now have everything. Even if I see things I like, I think we’ve already made, or it would already be, purchases on a whim.

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