Juan Carlos and his treatments for mobility limitations

Juan Carlos and his concern about death

Juan Carlos is aware of his age and knows perfectly well that he is not the same as before, but he is very afraid of his death, and he also does not want to leave this world in which he has enjoyed so much, and continues to do so, although with limitations.

Revolutionary treatments for mobility problems

A few months ago it was learned that the emeritus went to his trusted clinic in Vitoria to receive stem cells and platelets, two revolutionary treatments to help with mobility problems.

The limitations of Juan Carlos

Since 2012, when he had to undergo emergency hip surgery, which is why his illegal hunting of elephants in Botswana and his relationship with Corinna Larsen were discovered, he has not been the same. He has had to undergo surgery on numerous occasions. And without improvement. The doctors told him the worst news: the last years of his life will end in a wheelchair, something he refuses to accept.

The image of Juan Carlos in a wheelchair

He has been seen on occasion in a wheelchair, always outside of Spain and thinking that the cameras were not nearby, Casa Real has not been able to stop those images. For Juan Carlos, appearing unable to walk is like having lost the battle. He looks like a dethroned and broken king.

The last days of life in a wheelchair

Juan Carlos will spend the last days of his life in a wheelchair. This week he returned to Spain, to Sanxenxo, but before that he took the opportunity to make a stopover in Vitoria, like every month, to visit his faithful friend Dr. Eduardo Anitua. He had a medical check-up and perhaps he should have some new intervention, since it has to be renewed every few months. For now there are no alarms or any symptoms of concern, they are routine tests to keep everything under control.

The fight against the mobility problem

However, Eduardo has already confirmed to Juan Carlos that he is doing everything possible with these revolutionary methods to delay his problem, but the end will always be the same. The longer it lasts, the more likely it is that he will end up confined to a wheelchair. No one is immortal and death cannot be bought with money. Queen Sofia’s husband will end up in a wheelchair for the last years of his life. Something he would not want to see because he would become depressed. These will be very difficult times for him. The whole family will be supporting him, especially the Infanta Elena who has already moved to Sanxenxo to be by his side. It is Felipe VI who asks him to please go and check on him.

Concern in the family

Due to his advanced age, the family’s concern is maximum. In addition, they are concerned about some memory losses that have occurred in recent months.

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