Inici » Killing to Defend: A Reflection on Nationalism and Violence

Killing to Defend: A Reflection on Nationalism and Violence

un home i una dona al costat de l'altre davant de banderes i banderes de diferents colors i mides, Carles Delclaux Is, ex machina, una foto, incoherents

Catalan Nationalism and its History

During the last years of the Franco regime, a group of Catalan political leaders traveled to Israel, a country that at the time was admired by Catalanism for its struggle for independence and its progressive policies. In one of the meetings, a Jewish interlocutor posed a crucial question to the Catalans: were they prepared to kill for their cause? The answer was revealing and highlighted the peaceful stance of Catalanism compared to other nationalisms.

The Current Situation in Israel and its Repercussion

Today, the State of Israel is immersed in a conflict with Hamas, and its forceful response to provocations has generated a global debate. Despite the criticism of his performance, a significant part of the Israeli population and Jewish sympathizers defend his position. This situation raises questions about the legitimacy of violence in the defense of a country and its consequences.

A Reflection on Nationalism and Violence

The history of Catalans in Israel offers an interesting perspective on the relationship between nationalism and violence. This episode, despite its temporal distance, invites us to reflect on the moral and ethical limits of nationalist defense. The current situation in Israel highlights the complexity of this issue and its relevance in the global context.

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