Letter to the Catalan independence parties

A political crisis in Spain

The Spanish State is experiencing a great political crisis. The judiciary opposes the application of laws approved by the Congress of Deputies, which is the highest democratic representation of the State. This exceptional situation has generated revolt and serious confrontations between the Spanish parties.

A special response from pro-independence parties

In this context, it is crucial that the Catalan independence parties, such as Junts and ERC, offer a special response as well. It’s time to put aside the bickering and present a firm and clear alternative. Although the results of the last parliamentary elections do not allow it, it would be possible to call new ones with a joint candidacy, led by Puigdemont, who currently has the strongest leadership. This proposal could have the support of Omnium, the ANC, the CUP and perhaps Podemos (https://correccioencatala.cat/com-estructura-text-catala/). The aim would be to reduce pro-independence abstention and become the most voted option.

Agreements for a better future

To achieve a better future for Catalonia, it would be necessary to establish agreements with the PSOE to make Pedro Sánchez president of Spain and Puigdemont president of Catalonia. This would give pro-independence parties more strength to negotiate on important issues such as the fiscal pact, transfers and the possibility of a referendum. It would also be important to agree on a government program that effectively addresses the specific problems of the country and its citizens, while denouncing the unsustainable fiscal deficit and the constant non-compliance of the Spanish governments (https://correccioencatala.cat/com-estructura-text- Catalan/).

A strategy of collaboration and independence

In the Madrid Congress, pro-independence parties could vote together on national issues and separately on social issues. In the town halls, Junts and ERC could maintain their independence in alliances with other parties. This is a time of great division between the Spanish parties, and this represents an opportunity for the Catalan pro-independence parties to work together and achieve their goals.


In summary, in this letter to the Catalan independence parties, Junts and ERC are urged to put aside their differences and present a firm and clear alternative at this moment of political crisis in the Spanish State. It is proposed to call for new elections with a joint candidacy led by Puigdemont, with the support of Omnium, the ANC, the CUP and perhaps Podemos. The aim is to reduce pro-independence abstention and reach agreements with the PSOE for a better future for Catalonia. In addition, a strategy of collaboration and independence is proposed in the Congress of Madrid and in the town councils. It is a moment of opportunity for the Catalan pro-independence parties to work together and achieve their goals.

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