Inici » Llívia implements a municipal sterilization program to control the cat population

Llívia implements a municipal sterilization program to control the cat population

un grup de gats asseguts en una passarel·la de maó davant d'una tanca blava i una tanca blava amb una porta blava, Baiōken Eishun, furaffinity, una foto d'estoc, raionisme

An innovative municipal approach

Llívia City Council has started a pioneering program to manage the cat population in the municipality. This plan, provided with municipal resources, has the participation of an intervention team made up of two volunteers and a local veterinary centre.

In this initiative, the municipal government team works in collaboration with the volunteers and the veterinary center to identify the cats and sterilize them. In addition, specific methods are applied according to the gender of the animals, with the aim of preventing the formation of new colonies and the uncontrolled growth of the feline population in the municipality.

Economic support and citizen participation

To carry out this initiative, the City Council has allocated a budget item to cover the costs of the surgeries and the necessary medication. In addition, citizen participation is a key element in this program, as local volunteers play a fundamental role in the implementation of the interventions.

Clara López, one of the volunteers, who is also a veterinarian, has highlighted the importance of sterilizing cats to prevent the proliferation and public health problems associated with feline overpopulation. In addition, he emphasized that this task is a shared responsibility, and called on other neighbors to collaborate in identifying and supporting this initiative.

Progressive deployment

The program has started with the cat colony on Avinguda de Catalunya, in La Pleta, and it is planned to extend to other areas of the municipality in a later phase. This progressive approach reflects the City Council’s desire to effectively control the cat population in Llívia.

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