Inici » Manresa Il·lumina: Awards at the Green ComYOUnity Awards

Manresa Il·lumina: Awards at the Green ComYOUnity Awards

un grup de persones dempeus en un escenari sostenint plaques i premis davant d'una pantalla amb un fons verd, Boleslaw Cybis, premi, una foto d'estoc, estil tipogràfic internacional

Recognition of the Manresa Illumina Energy Community

The Manresa Il·lumina energy community, promoted by the Bufalvent Business Association at the end of 2022, has been recognized in the first edition of the Green CommYOUnity awards for the most outstanding energy communities in the State as a whole. The prize is awarded by Grup Met, a European integrated energy company, and the Ecology and Development Foundation (ECODES).

Award for Best Project in Initial Phase

Manresa Il·lumina has been awarded the prize for the best project in the category of projects in the initial phase. The award recognizes a project that focuses on the self-generation of photovoltaic energy to supply energy to thirty SMEs in Manresa. According to the award verdict, “the cooperative is established as a local link between energy production and local demand, promoting the equitable distribution of energy”.

Objectius of Manresa Il·lumina

Manresa Il·lumina is the first energy business community in Spain and its objective is to provide services for the improvement of energy, ecological and economic management to its members. The cooperative plans to launch thermal energy projects in the short term through a heat network with biomass, renewable energy from the Bages forests or the aggregate purchase of renewable electricity to cover the demand that the facilities plots they cannot cover.

Other Outstanding Energy Communities

In the same awards, the energy community Arroyo Alumbra, from Arroyomolinos de León, in Huelva, which brings together around thirty residents, has also been awarded.

Awarding of Prizes and Delivery Ceremony

In this first edition, the prize money was 25,000 euros, divided into two categories. On the one hand, the prize awarded by the professional jury, consisting of 15,000 euros plus 5 hours of expert energy consultancy provided by MET España. On the other hand, the recognition awarded by the vote of the employees of the MET Group, which will endow the winning project with 10,000 euros plus 5 hours of expert energy consultancy provided by MET España. The award ceremony was held at the headquarters of MET Energia España in Madrid.

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