Manresa’s network of cycling lanes is considered ‘very poor’

A strategic document commissioned by the City Council highlights the shortcomings of the cycling network

Manresa’s network of cycling lanes is considered ‘very poor’ according to a strategic document commissioned by the City Council itself. This document highlights that there are less than 13 kilometers of discontinuous bike lanes and that they do not cover the entire urban plot, thus making it difficult to implement this means of transport. The lack of bicycle communications with some nearby municipalities such as Sant Joan de Vilatorrada and Sant Fruitós is also highlighted. In addition, it is observed that there are few monitored parking lots.

Obstacles and difficulties for cyclists

The topography of the city, as well as the existence of narrow streets or insufficient sidewalks, and semi-pedestrian streets where pedestrians and bicycles coexist badly with road traffic, make it difficult to travel on foot or by bicycle.

Proposal for a comprehensive ecomobility plan

Faced with this situation, it is proposed to develop a comprehensive ecomobility plan in the Bages Plan that promotes the use of public transport and non-polluting modes of transport. This plan includes the conversion of the fleet of intercity buses into electric vehicles, the creation of a regional electric bicycling service, the establishment and signaling of a continuous network of bike lanes between Manresa and the surrounding municipalities, and the establishment and signaling of a safe network of paths connecting the municipalities of Manresa and its surroundings.

Current incidents and problems

It should be noted that the document does not refer to the fact that the cycle lane is often occupied by motor vehicles instead of cyclists. According to Manresa’s Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan, only 0.2% of internal trips are made by bicycle in the city, although 24% of the population is willing to use bike lanes

In summary, Manresa’s network of cycling lanes is considered ‘very poor’ and presents several obstacles that make it difficult to travel by bike in the city.

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