Mobility Plan During the America’s Sailing Cup in Barcelona

Restrictions on Private Vehicles

Barcelona City Council has announced a mobility plan for the Copa América de Vela that includes restrictions on private vehicles. During the sporting event, which will take place from August 22 to October 27, the currently existing blue zone spaces will be removed. This means that, although the streets will be open to traffic, there will be restrictions for private cars in case of large crowds.

Parking Deterrents

For the private vehicles of non-residents, two large dissuasive parking lots will be enabled during the Copa América de Vela. One will be located at the l’Hospitalet fair and the other at the Parc del Fòrum marine platform.

Guaranteed Access for Residents and Workers

Barceloneta residents and workers who have a guaranteed parking space will have guaranteed access to the neighborhood and will be able to use their parking spaces in the green area or in public or private car parks. This applies both to residents with a parking space in the residents’ area and to those who have a parking space in the BSM car parks or in the Port of Barcelona area. It should be noted that the streets will be open to public transport, taxi services, motorcycles, bicycles, personal mobility vehicles and service vehicles. In addition, the urban distribution of goods (DUM) can be carried out without any circulation restrictions.

Accreditations for Circulation and Parking

There will be two types of accreditation for people who have a vehicle with a guaranteed parking space in the area. Those who have a place in the residents’ area of ​​Barceloneta or in the parking lots of BSM or in the area of ​​the Port of Barcelona will receive an accreditation at their address which they must keep visible in their vehicle during the competition period. People who have a parking space for rent or purchase that is not municipal or from the Port of Barcelona must request their accreditation in person.

Accreditations for Circulation and Unboxing

People who live or work in Barceloneta, but do not have a resident parking space or in an underground car park, will have an accreditation that will allow them to access the area in case of mobility restrictions on certain streets. However, they will have to leave the passage and leave the area. This accreditation will be personal and can be requested for all people who live or work in Barceloneta.

How to Apply for Accreditation

People who have a parking space for rent or purchase that is not municipal or from the Port of Barcelona, ​​as well as those who live or work in Barceloneta without a parking space, must apply for accreditation in person . If the interested party cannot do it personally, they can authorize someone else to do it on their behalf.

Necessary Documentation

For people with a rental or purchase parking space, it will be necessary to present any document that identifies the person and the vehicle, as well as the parking space in the neighborhood. This original document will be returned to the person concerned. For people who live or work in Barceloneta, it is necessary to present any document that identifies the person and their address or place of work in Barceloneta.

Place of Application

Accreditation applications can be made at the Barceloneta Civic Centre, located at Carrer de la Conreria, 1. Application times vary according to the month, but in general you can apply from Monday to Friday 12 to 2 p.m. and from 5 to 7 p.m.

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