Inici » Montsalat is committed to covering the Bages rubble, instead of removing it

Montsalat is committed to covering the Bages rubble, instead of removing it

una excavadora està estacionada en una zona de construcció amb un munt de roques i un edifici al fons, Clovis Trouille, foto real, un trencaclosques, land art

A new vision for the restoration of salt marshes

The Montsalat entity defends an innovative alternative for the restoration of the Bages salt marshes. Instead of the removal plans established by the Generalitat, Montsalat proposes covering and confining the rubble as a restoration measure. This proposal seeks to extend the successful experience carried out in Vilafruns, adapting it with new techniques and materials to achieve the elimination of brackish water in the short term.

Benefits of the coating

Montsalat considers that covering the rubble with insulating materials and integrating it into the environment through planting and planting trees and vegetation would be beneficial both from an environmental and economic point of view. This option, according to the entity, would reduce the continued impact, water and energy consumption associated with the withdrawal, and would provide a faster solution.

A sustainable proposal

Florenci Vallès, one of the promoters of Montsalat, has put this sustainable proposal on the table. According to Vallès, covering the rubble with insulating materials offers the possibility of a quick realization compared to removal, with reduced water and energy consumption. In addition, this option will allow the removal of salinized groundwater in a shorter period and at a lower economic cost.

Coating alternatives

Montsalat proposes two coating options to be studied. The first is the extension of a waterproof sheet of plastic between two complementary non-waterproof sheets, covered with topsoil and planting. The second option is coating with projected polyurethane, then coated with a layer of also projected mortar. According to the entity, these options offer the possibility of a quick implementation, with low consumption of water and energy, and a lower economic cost than the withdrawal proposal established by the Generalitat.

Final considerations

Montsalat emphasizes that the coating options have significant advantages, such as the disappearance of salinized groundwater in a shorter period of time, as well as a lower economic cost. In addition, these options make it possible to comply with the court ruling to eliminate the environmental impacts of the debris within an acceptable time frame. However, the organization recognizes the need to assess the possible drawbacks of the coating options to guarantee an effective and sustainable restoration.

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