Inici » Montserrat, the Headquarters of the Spanish Geoparks Forum in 2025

Montserrat, the Headquarters of the Spanish Geoparks Forum in 2025

una serra amb un poble al cim i un cel blau al damunt amb núvols al fons, David Martin, muntanyes, una pintura mate, regionalisme

Montserrat, a Center of Geological Importance

The Geoparc of Central Catalonia has been selected as the host of the Spanish Geoparks Forum next year, with Montserrat being the place chosen to host this event of global importance. This decision coincides with the events of the Millennium of the Monastery, giving this meeting an even more significant dimension.

A Historical Country for Montserrat

The candidacy of the Geopark of Central Catalonia has been the only candidate to be the host of this annual meeting that brings together the top representatives of the geoparks from all over Spain. This decision represents a historic step for Montserrat, as it will be the first time it will host a meeting of this magnitude linked to the geology of Bages.

Repercussion and Preparations

The Spanish Geoparks Forum will bring together delegations from the seventeen Unesco-labelled geoparks in Spain. This event will include round tables, talks, symposia, working days, tours and various activities related to geoparks. A wide institutional representation is planned, from the Ministry of Ecological Transition to the Generalitat, the Provincial Council and the regional councils and town councils of the Geopark of Central Catalonia.

Future Outlook

Although there is still time for the celebration, the intention of the organizers is to start working to ensure that everything is ready and ready for the time of the meeting. This event will not only highlight the geological importance of Montserrat, but will also strengthen the role of the Geopark of Central Catalonia in the Network of World Geoparks recognized by Unesco.

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