Inici » New crossings with silicone appear at the Séquia crossings in Viladordis

New crossings with silicone appear at the Séquia crossings in Viladordis

un gran camp de plantes verdes al costat d'un riu amb aigua que el travessa i un camí de terra que el travessa, Albert Namatjira, aigua, una foto d'estoc, art ambiental

Water recovery for Manresa irrigation

This week, the gardeners in the Manresa irrigated area were able to resume watering their gardens after the rain of the last few days. The rainfall has allowed the water to circulate again through the branches that supply Viladordis and El Poal, areas that had been left without water due to the scarcity caused by the drought. However, problems have been found in the passage keys, as the presence of silicone has been discovered in the locks of the padlocks that closed the keys, forcing them to be broken to restore the passage of water (https: //

Location in Viladordis and other areas

According to sources from the Junta de la Séquia, several cases similar to the one in Viladordis have been detected. Despite this situation, it has been possible to guarantee the supply of water for the irrigation of the entire affected area. This improvement has been possible thanks to the rains, which have made it possible to pass from the emergency to the exceptionality phase, relaxing the water saving measures ( -in Catalan/).

Changes in water supply

The rains have made it possible for irrigation water to reach the Poal and Talaia orchards, and later in Viladordis, El Grau and Santa Clara. The gardeners will have water one day a week and irrigation will be guaranteed until September. However, on weekends, water will not circulate through the branches of the Séquia that go to Viladordis and El Poal to recover that from Lake Agulla. This process, which used to take one day, now takes two due to the drought. In addition, there will be no irrigation water on Mondays due to the cleaning and maintenance of the Séquia (

Situation of the gardeners

The Junta de la Séquia supplies water to nearly 1,200 land owners in the Manresa irrigation system, most of whom do not live off the land. In case of emergency, they are forbidden to irrigate, although 80% less affects professional farmers (

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