New heat alert system in Spain: MeteoSalud

Division of Spain into 182 zones for greater detail

The Ministry of Health has implemented a new heat alert system called MeteoSalud, which aims to inform the population about the dangers of heat. Unlike the previous system, this new system divides Spain into 182 zones, instead of the 52 provinces that were previously used. These areas coincide with those used by the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) to issue its weather warnings. The objective of this division is to provide a greater degree of detail in information about heat in each region of the country.

‘A summer of care’ campaign to raise awareness about the effects of heat

The Minister of Health, Mónica García, presented the campaign ‘A summer of care’ in order to raise awareness among the population about the harmful effects of heat on health. The objective is to create a ‘heat culture’ in all areas of Spain, so that people take self-protection measures and reduce the impact of heat on their health. Protection from the heat is considered the best way to enjoy a safe summer.

Reformulation of the National Plan for Preventive Actions due to High Temperatures

The new heat alert system is a reformulation of the National Plan for Preventive Actions due to High Temperatures, known as the Heat Plan. This plan aims to reduce the impact of heat on the health of the population, defining when, where and at what level warnings are given. As of June 17, alerts were activated in 130 new MeteoSalud zones, joining the 52 provinces that were already covered by the Heat Plan. These zones are determined by AEMET and group municipalities with similar climatic characteristics within each province.

Different heat alert thresholds in each region

It is important to highlight that temperature does not affect all regions of Spain in the same way. For example, in some regions heat alert thresholds are at 35ºC, while in other regions health impacts occur at lower temperatures, such as 25ºC. This is because different regions have different levels of adaptation to heat, both in terms of infrastructure and population customs. Therefore, it is necessary to reinforce prevention both in regions where it is already hot and in those where the heat is beginning to increase.

Coordination between the Health and Climate Change Observatory and AEMET

The new MeteoSalud alert system is based on the coordination between the Health and Climate Change Observatory and AEMET. Previously, weather warnings depended solely on temperature, but have now been joined by health advisories from the Ministry of Health. This coordination allows AEMET to prioritize MeteoSalud warnings in its weather forecasts.

You can find more information about MeteoSalud on the official website of the Ministry of Health: [link to the MeteoSalud website](

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