Inici » New radars in Spain: comprehensive control of speed behind the wheel

New radars in Spain: comprehensive control of speed behind the wheel

un senyal de trànsit en una carretera amb cotxes que hi passen i un con de trànsit al costat de la carretera, Évariste Vital Luminais, sense línies irregulars, una foto d'estoc, les automatistes

The importance of speed control on roads

With the arrival of summer and the holidays, it is crucial to ensure safety on the roads, as the number of accidents tends to rise. High temperatures, fatigue from long journeys and other factors can lead to minor or fatal accidents. In this context, the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) is implementing new radars to control excessive speed and reduce traffic accidents.

The new super radars of the DGT

The DGT has acquired 15 new super radars, with substantial improvements and more modern features, with a total investment of approximately 1.2 million euros, including VAT. These radars are very versatile and can work inside Guardia Civil or Mossos d’Esquadra cars, on a tripod, statically or in full motion. In addition, they have the ability to monitor up to 6 lanes in all directions and detect the type of vehicle, allowing them to adjust to the permitted speeds for both types.

Increased speed control on Spanish roads

In Spain, there are more than 1,000 roads controlled by mobile radars, and by this summer it is estimated that there will be more than 500 mobile radars, some of which will replace the current ones. This means that speed will need to be moderated, as these new radars will not leave any driver unattended.


The new DGT radars represent a significant advance in speed control on Spanish roads. With this implementation, the aim is to reduce traffic accidents and ensure the safety of drivers and pedestrians.

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