Opinion | A Highway of Painful Memories

An Ecological and Neighborly March

Mentally and chronologically, one of the first images that comes to mind when I think of the Terrassa-Manresa highway is a march through the streets of the village of ecologists and residents in general, in the early eighties. At that time, the highway was still a project that was being drawn on plans, but there were already people who were denouncing what they considered an attack on the surroundings of the municipality and the region. These people were activists with an environmental perspective and concerned about the future of the territory.

A Disfigured Landscape

Another memory I have of the highway is how the works were disfiguring the landscape. Although this was not virgin land, the agricultural and forestry landscape of the area was torn. In addition, the construction of the road involved the disappearance of a legendary pub, Jakob’s, which was a socializing place for the young people of the area. This transformation of the landscape was an irreversible change.

Tragic Events

The Terrassa-Manresa highway has had a tragic impact on the lives of several people. I remember with sadness the first fatalities that occurred shortly after its inauguration. One of those victims was a good friend from high school, and this loss hit me deeply. Unfortunately, over the years, there have been other people close to or known to have lost their lives in accidents related to this road. This reality has reinforced my perception that the highway was not conceived or built to benefit the region, but to use it as a passage.

A Highway of Painful Records

Today, the Terrassa-Manresa highway turns 35. For me, this anniversary is not a celebration, but an opportunity to remember the painful memories that this road has left in my memory. The negative impacts on the environment, the transformation of the landscape and the tragic loss of human life are facts that cannot be forgotten. The Terrassa-Manresa highway is a highway of painful memories that reminds us of the importance of making responsible decisions and taking into account the long-term consequences.

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