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Unique financing

A few days ago a colleague and friend asked me if we will get along. I think so, common sense says so, but now it’s difficult. And I tried to explain why I see that Salvador Illa will be the new president of the Generalitat.

The importance of the agreement

First, it is crucial to reach an agreement to avoid a major controversy that could weaken Esquerra and leave it as a marginal force. The internal problems of Esquerra must be solved by themselves, while the other parties must be spectators. If elections have to be repeated because of the internal problems of the Left, the cost would be huge and the citizens would perceive it negatively. The Barcelona City Council agreement is a clear example of this.

Unique financing

The key to the deal is singular financing. Although it is a complex issue, it is necessary to spend time on it to reach an agreement. If it is based on the proposal of Esquerra, there will be no agreement. On the other hand, if it is based on the PSC program, it will be easier to reach an agreement that can be approved in the courts. The proposal of former Councilor Mas-Colell and Councilor Natàlia Mas are different in this aspect.

The legal reality

The legal reality cannot be ignored. The jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court in the case of financing is extensive and must be taken into account. It is important to know what you can and cannot do. The laws arising from the agreement will be reviewed by the Constitutional Court. Esquerra’s document has a solid legal basis, but it should be noted that three laws will need to be amended to implement it.

The key to the box

The difference between the two articles is the view on the tax consortium State-Generalitat. If the key is only in the hands of the Generalitat, there will be no agreement. But if the key is shared at 50%, there is a better chance of reaching an agreement.


To ensure the best result, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the former councilor Mas-Colell and delve into the current Statute. This will ensure an agreement that is acceptable to all parties. It is necessary to take into account the legal reality and the need to modify the laws to implement the agreement.

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