Opinion | Funding: do we want a medal or a plate on the table?

The importance of funding in politics

In the current political context, funding is a key issue that generates debate and controversy. Different political forces have divergent views on how funding should be managed and what its priority should be. Some prioritize obtaining financial resources to achieve a prominent position, while others emphasize the importance of meeting the basic needs of the population.

The dichotomy between eating and standing out

In this context, an interesting dichotomy arises: do we want to eat or stand out? In other words, what is more important to us as a society? Is it better to have sufficient funding to meet the basic needs of the population or is it preferable to seek international recognition and notoriety? This is a complex question that has no single answer and generates diverse opinions.

The different points of view

From different sectors of society, different opinions are expressed on this issue. Some people believe that it is essential to have adequate funding to ensure the well-being of the population and ensure a just and equitable society. Others, on the other hand, believe that it is more important to stand out at an international level and achieve global recognition.

The need for a fair electoral system

In addition to funding, another relevant aspect in this debate is the electoral system. It is important to have a fair and equitable electoral system that allows adequate representation of the different political forces and that guarantees citizen participation. A poor electoral system can distort the results and affect the legitimacy of governments.

The importance of public opinion

Finally, the importance of public opinion in this debate must be taken into account. The opinions and preferences of citizens are fundamental in determining the policies and decisions that are made in relation to funding and the electoral system. It is important that citizens are well informed and able to express their opinion freely and in an informed manner.


In short, funding is a key issue in today’s politics. Divergent opinions on this issue reflect the different priorities and values ​​of society. It is important to find a balance between satisfying the basic needs of the population and seeking international recognition. In addition, the importance of a fair electoral system and public opinion must be taken into account in this debate. Only in this way can we move towards a fairer and more equitable society.

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