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Opinion | GOSPEL

un home amb vestit i corbata davant d'un edifici amb un edifici al fons i un edifici amb una porta, Alexis Grimou, foto professional, retrat de personatges, escola de Heidelberg

Need for optimism in new generations

In recent years, we have heard a lot of negative opinions about the new generations. We often wonder what lies ahead for them and if they really have a promising future. It is important that young people receive support and optimism so that they can face the challenges that come their way. As our grandfather used to say, ‘This young man! Where will we end up!’ But we also have to admit that the current situation is different and that we need to give them the hope they need to build a better future.

The importance of optimism

It is essential that young people feel that they have a promising future and that they can achieve their dreams. Optimism is an attitude that can help them overcome obstacles and grow as people. As Montserrat Llobet Peiró said, ‘I need optimistic people around me…’. Young people need to see positive examples and feel supported so that they can grow and develop to their full potential.

The story of the gospel

In the gospel, there is a story that can teach us a lot about hope and optimism. The little girl in the gospel, despite the difficulties she faced, had faith and hope that her future would be better. As Montserrat Llobet Peiró said, ‘The girl from the gospel, what must have happened to her? Twelve years old, age to go from girl to woman… Didn’t she want to grow up? He knew what his life would be like from then on. He had to want it, the future. It will be a woman. It will be subject to the law for women. All so limited. Jesus says to him “get up” when around him there is Faith and encouragement.’ This story reminds us that hope and faith can be a source of strength and overcoming.


In short, it is important that the new generations receive support and optimism so that they can grow and develop their full potential. As Montserrat Llobet Peiró said, ‘I need optimistic people around me…’. You need to give them the hope they need to build a better future and overcome the obstacles that come their way. With optimism and faith, young people can achieve great things and make the world a better place for everyone.

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