Inici » Palma Neighborhood Parties in Danger: A Call to Action

Palma Neighborhood Parties in Danger: A Call to Action

una ciutat amb molts edificis i una gran massa d'aigua al fons amb una muntanya en primer pla, Correggio, vista panoràmica, una pintura mat detallada, regionalisme

A Cultural Heritage at Risk

Neighborhood parties, which symbolize Palma’s community spirit, are facing an unprecedented crisis. MÉS for Palma has raised its voice against a bureaucratic blockage that threatens the continuity of these essential celebrations for social cohesion and collective identity.

Reaction of Neighborhood Associations

Up to ten neighborhood associations have expressed their concern about the delay in the granting of subsidies by the City Council. The inability of some organizations to submit their applications in time, in addition to the lack of police resources to guarantee security, has complicated the situation, especially in festivals like those of Son Cotoner.

The Consequences of Delayed Funding

The lack of funding in time has put summer festivals in jeopardy in neighborhoods such as Nova Son Roca and la Bonanova. The subsidies, which should be vital support for these celebrations, have been pending since last year, leaving the associations in a precarious situation.

Comparison with Previous Governments

In a marked contrast to the previous administration, which significantly increased the budget for neighborhood parties to almost €1.8 million, the current government has reduced the time and ease of applications. The difficulties in processing permits have complicated the realization of popular events such as Canamunt and Canavall.

A Call to Reflection

The neighborhood festivals are a testament to the energy and commitment of the residents to their city. However, the current bureaucracy, which should facilitate these celebrations, has become an obstacle. The current situation raises a crucial question: how can a government that should serve the community fail so miserably to support the traditions that unite Palma?

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