Inici » Pedro Sánchez’s proposals for democratic regeneration

Pedro Sánchez’s proposals for democratic regeneration

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The Spanish president presents a plan for democratic regeneration

The Spanish president, Pedro Sánchez, will appear in Congress on July 17 to present his executive’s proposal for democratic regeneration. This plan of action and democratic quality aims to introduce important changes in several areas.

Modification of the institutional advertising law

One of the outstanding proposals is the modification of the institutional advertising law. Sánchez wants to introduce transparency in the resources that the administrations allocate to digital media. The aim is to prevent the funding of disinformation and fake news with public money. This measure seeks to ensure that public resources are allocated to quality and independent media.

Establishment of a maximum of public funding in the media

Another important proposal is to establish a maximum limit of public funding to the media. According to Sánchez, there are media that only have public resources and do not have enough readers, which endangers their independence. With this measure, it is sought to ensure that the media have a solid base of readers and do not depend exclusively on public funding.

Other legal modifications

In addition to the proposals related to institutional advertising, Sánchez’s democratic regeneration plan includes other legal changes. A modification of the law on the right to honor and the right to rectification is proposed. We also want to take into account the phenomenon of digitization of information and media, since the current institutional advertising law does not contemplate this reality.

Round of consultations and implementation of measures

After the appearance in Congress, the Sánchez government will open a round of consultations with all the parliamentary groups interested in participating. The objective is to collect opinions and proposals for the implementation of legislative measures. It is expected that the measures will begin to be implemented after the summer (


Pedro Sánchez highlights the importance of fighting against misinformation and fake news, as these affect coexistence and the correct functioning of democratic societies. It also warns about the advance of the ultra-right and its influence on this issue. With the proposals for democratic regeneration, Sánchez seeks to guarantee a more transparent democracy free from manipulation (

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