Preservation of the shelters of Barcelona during the Civil War

The construction of shelters during the Civil War

During the Civil War, Barcelona was the object of constant bombing by fascist aviation. This situation led to the construction of shelters throughout the city to protect the civilian population. These shelters were an important part of the passive defense of the city and helped to reduce the number of fatalities caused by the bombings (

Heritage preservation

Recently, Barcelona City Council has approved a strategic master plan to preserve these shelters and give them the recognition they deserve. This plan seeks to document, preserve and enhance this Civil War heritage that is buried in the city. In addition, it also aims to spread this heritage through publications, exhibitions and audiovisual productions.

Importance of preservation

The councilor of Esquerra Republicana, Rosa Suriñach, highlights the importance of preserving these shelters as a witness to the resistance and dignity of the Barcelona population during the Civil War. This heritage reminds us of the importance of recognizing and learning from history.

Strategic master plan

The strategic master plan proposed by Esquerra Republicana includes several actions for the preservation and enhancement of the refuges. This plan contemplates the inspection, documentation and cataloging of existing shelters, as well as the identification of new shelters and the study of their rehabilitation and opening to the public. The transformation of the refuge in Plaça de Tetuan into an explanatory space about the network of refuges and its historical importance is also planned. In addition, educational initiatives will be promoted to get younger people to know this heritage.


The preservation of Barcelona’s shelters during the Civil War is an important task for the preservation of historical memory and for the understanding of the past. This strategic master plan will allow this heritage to be known and valued by future generations.

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