Inici » Queralt Vidal: An influential voice that promotes Catalan and legal knowledge on social networks

Queralt Vidal: An influential voice that promotes Catalan and legal knowledge on social networks


Queralt Vidal’s exceptional career

Queralt Vidal, a talented young woman from Manresa, has left her mark in the digital world with her innovative and attractive content. At just 22 years old, she has amassed a notable following on TikTok, where she shares captivating anecdotes about her travels and explains legal concepts in an accessible way.

Her training in law and her passion for international conflict resolution have led her to combine her professional career with the creation of content on social networks, where she has become an influential figure.

The power of valuable content in Catalan

Vidal highlights the importance of creating valuable content in Catalan to keep the language alive. By producing engaging and educational content, he believes he can contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the language.

Her content on curiosities about living abroad and her explanation of legal concepts in colloquial language have resonated with the public, who appreciate her accessible approach and her ability to make complex topics easy to understand.

Recognition of your work

Vidal’s talent has recently been recognized with his nomination as a finalist in the Amic-Tresdeu awards, which distinguish the best creators in Catalan. This distinction is a testament to the quality and impact of his work.

Vidal expresses his gratitude for the support of his audience and recognizes the power of social networks to connect with people and share knowledge.

Managing hate on social networks

Vidal recognizes that hate on social media is inherent and is often directed at those who create content in Catalan. To protect his mental health, he has chosen to stop reading the comments.

However, she values ​​constructive criticism that helps her improve her content and grow as a creator.

Transformative experiences abroad

Vidal has had the opportunity to live and study in several countries, which has expanded his horizons and given him a unique perspective on the world.

His time in Brazil opened his eyes to social inequality and extreme poverty, while his experience in the United States made him question idealized perceptions of the country.

He currently resides in Geneva, where he appreciates security, nature and job opportunities, although he recognizes the strict Swiss mentality.

Personal growth through change

Vidal believes that the numerous changes she has experienced in her life have made her grow and mature significantly.

He has learned to value the importance of solitude and self-sufficiency, and recognizes that people can be fleeting in our lives.

Future plans and dreams

As for social media, Vidal plans to continue creating content until he loses interest. Professionally, he aspires to dedicate himself to law, a profession that he is passionate about.

She is open to the opportunities that arise and does not rule out the possibility of working in the field of international disputes.

In the long term, Vidal longs to return to his hometown, but only if an irresistible opportunity arises.

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