Inici » Rehabilitation of the Ombudsman’s Office in Girona: A New Beginning

Rehabilitation of the Ombudsman’s Office in Girona: A New Beginning


A Step Towards Security and Modernization

The authorities of Girona have decided to embark on a new path in the improvement of their municipal infrastructure, with the beginning of the procedures for the repair of the Office of the Ombudsman. This initiative responds to the need to guarantee the safety of workers and citizens who use this space, which is currently in a deteriorated condition.

A Respectful Approach to History and Innovation

Two different approaches to the repair of the roof are contemplated, one based on the restoration of the historic elements and another offering a modern and innovative interpretation. This diversity of approaches will make it possible to select the best option that not only preserves the historical essence of the office, but also provides it with a safe and functional infrastructure for the future.

Commitment to Quality and Safety

The rehabilitation process will not only include the repair of the roof, but also other improvements necessary to ensure the safety and comfort of the users. This includes the replacement of the pavements, the modernization of the electrical, lighting, air conditioning and connectivity installations of the affected ground and upper floors. This comprehensive renovation will make it possible to create an optimal and efficient work space for the employees of the office and for the citizens who come to it.

Commitment to Transparency and Participation

To ensure the quality of the project, the bidding process has started for the drafting of the construction plan, as well as the quality control and the health and safety study. This transparent and participatory approach seeks to ensure that the rehabilitation of the office is carried out to the highest standards of quality and safety, while providing the opportunity for local businesses to participate in the process of improving municipal infrastructure.

A Demand for a Dignified Space

The new Ombudsman, Marta Alsina, has expressed her concern about the working conditions of the office and has repeatedly asked for a decent space to carry out her duties and serve the citizens. In this sense, he has reiterated his request to have an outside space in the council building, as he considers the independence of the control body from the City Council to be fundamental. Although the government has assured its support for this demand, the Ombudsman regrets the delay in its execution.


The rehabilitation of the Ombudsman’s Office in Girona represents an important step towards the modernization and security of the municipal infrastructure. With a respectful approach to history and innovation, this project seeks to preserve the essence of the building while adapting to the needs of the present and future. Through a commitment to quality, transparency and participation, it is guaranteed that this renovation will contribute to improving the quality of life of the citizens of Girona and to strengthening trust in local institutions.

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