Remove scales from fish efficiently and cleanly

Preparation of the work area

Before starting to remove the scales from the fish, it is important to properly prepare the work area. You can cover the surface with newspaper or use a large cutting board that is easy to clean. If possible, perform this task in the sink to better contain the flakes. It is also advisable to have a garbage bag or container on hand to discard the flakes immediately.

Using the right tools

The ideal tool to remove the scales from the fish is a scaler, which you can find in kitchen utensil stores. If you don’t have one, you can also use the back of a table knife or spoon. The important thing is that the utensil has a surface that allows you to scrape the scales without damaging the flesh of the fish.

Hold the fish properly

To prevent the fish from sliding while removing the scales, it is advisable to hold it firmly. You can use a damp cloth or paper towel to hold the tail of the fish. This will give you better control and reduce the risk of flakes spreading all over the kitchen.

Work with controlled movements

Start removing the scales from the tail towards the head of the fish, making short, controlled movements. It is not necessary to apply too much force; gentle, constant scraping is enough to lift the scales. Work in small sections and be careful not to splatter. If you’re working in the sink, run a gentle stream of water so that the flakes fall right down the drain.

Immediate cleaning

As you remove the scales from the fish, discard them into the trash bag or prepared container. This will prevent them from building up and spreading. Once finished, thoroughly wash the work area, table and sink with hot water and detergent to remove any scale residue and maintain hygiene.

Additional tips

To minimize the mess, you can place the fish in a large, clear plastic bag while you remove the scales. This will contain the flakes and give you a better view of what you’re doing. Another option is to buy already flaked fish, although this can be more expensive and does not always guarantee freshness.

By following these steps and tips, you will be able to remove the scales from the fish efficiently and without dirtying your kitchen. The key is preparation, using the right tools and cleaning up immediately. So you can enjoy your fresh fish without worrying about the mess.

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