Inici » Rescue of Manta Rays in the Almadraba of Cartagena

Rescue of Manta Rays in the Almadraba of Cartagena

un peix gran nedant a l'oceà prop de la línia de costa d'un escull de corall amb un raig de sol al fons, Aquirax Uno, sota l'aigua, trencaclosques, raionisme

Conservation Collaboration

During the months of April and May, the La Azohía trap in Cartagena, the only one in the Spanish Mediterranean, accidentally caught more than 30 manta rays, an endangered species. However, thanks to a collaboration program between the Association of Southeast Naturalists (ANSE), the Almadraba de La Azohía and WWF, all the specimens were released alive after experimental tagging.

The Endangered Species

The manta ray, also known as the giant or ‘horned’ ray, is the largest of the ray species in the Mediterranean, and can reach more than 5 meters in wingspan. This species, rare on the Spanish coast, is in danger mainly due to its low reproduction rate and its accidental capture in various fishing gear.

Migrations and Food

The manta ray is a pelagic fish that feeds on plankton and small fish. It carries out seasonal migrations, during which anywhere from a few to dozens of individuals can gather for feeding and reproduction purposes.

The Marking Experiment

A marking experiment was carried out on 28 manta rays, using special darts to mark their movement. Two specimens were equipped with satellite tags, allowing their movements to be tracked. All captured animals were released alive, and they swam away without apparent damage.

Collaboration for Marine Conservation

ANSE and the Almadraba de La Azohía collaborate to improve the management of endangered species, such as dolphins, turtles and manta rays, seeking to minimize the accidental death of these animals. In addition, the El Valle Wildlife Recovery Center participates in the recovery of species accidentally trapped in the trap, demonstrating a joint effort for marine conservation.

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