A classic in the view of Catalonia
Francesc Candel’s book ‘Els altres catalans’ has achieved legendary status, especially in a year that commemorates the centenary of its author. First published more than fifty years ago, the work remains an essential reference for understanding the diversity and identity of Catalonia. Candel, born in the Valencian region of Racó d’Ademús and moved to Barcelona at the age of two, experienced and documented the migratory phenomenon that has shaped Catalan society. The relevance of this text is evident at a time when immigration is once again a hot topic.
Migrations: a story repeated
Catalonia has always been a meeting point of cultures, with several waves of migration that have marked its development. Candel witnessed two of these waves: the first, between the end of the 19th century and the 1930s, and the second, which took place after the Civil War and brought more than two million people to the region. Currently, we are facing a third wave, characterized by international immigration that has transformed the demographic profile of the country.
The context of the 21st century
Since 2000, Catalonia has seen a significant increase in its population, with more than one and a half million residents of foreign origin. This demographic change has been driven by economic, social and political factors that directly influence migratory flows. Today’s immigrants, many of whom come from Africa, Latin America and Asia, find themselves in a situation that, although different from that of their predecessors, presents similarities in terms of job insecurity and social exclusion.
Candel and his legacy
The publication of Els altres catalans in 1964 marked a before and after in Catalan literature. Candel was able to capture the essence of immigration in Catalonia, becoming a chronicler of the social reality and the challenges faced by the newcomers. His work not only described the living conditions, but also defended the rights of immigrants, positioning itself firmly on the side of the working class.
A testimony to the fight for dignity
Candel used his pen to give voice to those who were often silenced. At a time when Francoist censorship limited freedom of expression, he managed to communicate with sincerity and sensitivity the realities of immigrants. His work has stood the test of time and continues to be relevant for new generations, who fight for their identity and to be recognized as an integral part of Catalan society.
The new Catalan others
Today, the situation of immigrants in Catalonia has evolved, but many of the problems that Candel addressed remain. With more than 21% of the Catalan population of foreign origin, social inequalities have become more evident, and the integration of newcomers remains a challenge. Today’s migrants, who in many cases hold precarious jobs, struggle to make a place for themselves in a society that still grapples with prejudices and stereotypes.
Reflections on the future
Candel’s legacy invites us to reflect on our present and future as a society. His work reminds us that cultural diversity is a wealth and that the history of Catalonia is, to a large extent, the history of all the people who live there. In a time of social polarization, it is essential to foster cohesion and inclusion to build a shared future where all Catalans, whether of native or immigrant origin, can feel part of the same community.