Sant Joan’s carnival in Catalonia: official figures and incidents

Official figures for the St. John’s Eve

The 2024 Sant Joan carnival already has official figures. According to the Acting Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia, during the celebration of the carnival throughout the territory, the police forces made 55 arrests. In addition, four people have died from different causes. In Sitges, a man drowned, while in Girona two people died in a shooting. In Barceloneta, a 26-year-old man was fatally stabbed and an arrest related to this case has already taken place (

Calls to the emergency number 112

The emergency number 112 has received a total of 7,406 calls related to a total of 4,566 incidents during the Sant Joan carnival. This figure represents an increase of 1.1% compared to the previous year. The Barcelonès region has registered the most warnings, with a total of 3,055 calls, followed by Vallès Occidental with 639 warnings, Maresme with 547 and Baix Llobregat with 526 ( -catalan-text/).

Fire services

The Fire Department had to attend to a total of 833 services during the Sant Joan carnival. Most of the warnings received were for urban fires, with a total of 505, and vegetation fires, with 187 cases. It is noteworthy that no fatalities have been recorded on the roads of Catalonia during this celebration.

Incidents in Barcelona, ​​Girona and Terrassa

During the Sant Joan festival, several incidents have occurred in different cities in Catalonia. In Girona, a shooting in the Font de la Pólvora neighborhood has left two people dead and several injured. In Barcelona, ​​in Barceloneta, a 26-year-old man has been fatally stabbed as part of a fight. In Terrassa, there has been an attack on a Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat train (

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