Inici » Scenes of fire: Music and images, 30 years of a horror

Scenes of fire: Music and images, 30 years of a horror

una gran columna de fum que s'eleva d'un incendi forestal a les muntanyes per sobre d'una carretera i una carretera sinuosa, Bouchta El Hayani, foto guanyadora d'un premi, una pintura mat detallada, art ambiental

Remembering the Great Forest Fire

It has been 30 years since the fateful 4th of July that marked the districts of Bages and Berguedà. This date was marked by days of physical and emotional asphyxiation, with the loss of five human lives and some 45,000 hectares burned. The survivors of that horror bear the scars of that fire, the worst in Catalonia’s recent history.

Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary

With the arrival of the 30th anniversary, several commemorative events have been organized in Berguedà. This county was one of the most affected, with two victims and 20,000 hectares burned. Tributes and memories follow year after year, and this 2024 is no exception.

Green Concerts and Other Events

To combat sadness and remembrance, the so-called Green Concerts have been organized in areas affected by the fire. In Sagas, a cycle of concerts and book presentations begins. In Puig-reig, a special concert will be held with the collaboration of the Municipal School of Music. In addition, other musical performances will take place in the church of Sant Andreu de Sagas and in Olvan, where a documentary about fire will also be shown.

Debate and Exhibition

In Olvan, a debate will be held and a documentary about fire will be shown. In addition, the Guillem de Berguedà library in Puig-reig will inaugurate a collective exhibition to recover the memory of the fire and the evolution of the landscape, which can be visited until July 19.

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