Secrets to Prepare a Delicious Maria Cookie Ice Cream

Chef Ada Parellada Shares Her Weekly Tips

Ada Parellada, the renowned chef of the Semproniana restaurant, delves into the homes of food lovers in Catalonia to answer questions about everyday products. From vegetables and fruits of all kinds to sweets, meat and fish, Ada shares innovative ways to get the most out of food, offering tips that will make you enjoy a more enjoyable culinary life in the comfort of your home.

Recipe: Cookie Maria Ice Cream

Do you want to learn how to prepare a delicious Maria cookie ice cream? Here is a simple recipe that you will surely love. You will need the following ingredients:

– 500 ml of milk cream

– 400 g of condensed milk

– 100 g of Maria cookies (or the type you prefer)

First, beat the heavy cream until stiff. Then, add the condensed milk and crush the cookies to add them to the mixture. Freeze the preparation in a rectangular container and that’s it! This recipe is that easy.

Additional Tips

Preparing ice cream at home can present some difficulty if you are looking to obtain an exceptional result. The basic preparation is simple, but achieving a creamy texture can be more complicated. This recipe allows you to obtain a versatile ice cream, both for its final result and for the variety of ingredients you can use. Heavy cream is essential, but the type of cookie you choose will depend on your personal tastes. The Maria cookie is the classic option, but you can experiment with other types, such as chocolate, coconut or gluten-free cookies. You can even combine different varieties to test your culinary creativity.

Tips for a Perfect Texture

The final texture of an ice cream depends on the size of the ice crystals that form during the freezing process. The smaller these crystals are and the more syrup and other ingredients that keep them separated, the smoother and silkier the result will be. To achieve this effect, it is crucial to select ingredients that help reduce the formation of ice crystals. Honey or condensed milk are better than white sugar as syrup. The fat in cream, egg yolks or butter also contribute to reducing the size of the crystals. Adding a little alcohol or beating the egg whites until stiff are additional tricks to boost creaminess, avoiding excessive freezing. During the freezing process, stir the mixture every 15 minutes during the first hour and every 30 minutes during the next two hours to break up the ice crystals that form, achieving a professional result.

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