Inici » Sexual assault trial: Dates and duration of Rubiales’ trial for kissing Jenni Hermoso

Sexual assault trial: Dates and duration of Rubiales’ trial for kissing Jenni Hermoso

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The trial of Rubiales for the kiss of Jenni Hermoso will begin in February 2025

The trial in the National Court against Luis Rubiales and other former officials of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) for crimes of sexual assault and coercion for the non-consensual kiss on the mouth of the player Jenni Hermoso already has a date. It will begin on February 3, 2025 and will last for 11 days, expectedly until the 19th of that month, according to sources in the case that were told to this newspaper and subsequently confirmed by the National Court.

Date agreement between the parties involved

The dates were agreed between the central criminal judge, José Manuel Clemente and the different parties involved in the procedure in a meeting held at the headquarters of the National Court last Friday, since it was important to be able to agree on dates to prevent other procedures. previously indicated for lawyers may end up producing suspensions or postponements.

The request of the Prosecutor’s Office and the penalties requested

The trial will be held before the Central Criminal Court of the National Court. The Prosecutor’s Office requests two years and six months in prison for Rubiales for the non-consensual kiss of the player. In addition, he also asks that she be sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison for a crime of coercing other former RFEF officials.

The context of the case and the judge’s conclusions

Judge Francisco de Jorge, investigator of this matter, concluded that there were indications that the kiss on the player ‘was not consensual’ and that Rubiales acted in a ‘unilateral and surprising’ manner. In addition, it was mentioned that there was subsequent pressure to which the player was subjected to affirm that the kiss had been consensual. The judge affirmed that there was ‘a concerted action’ between Rubiales and other defendants to bend Hermoso’s will.

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