Inici » Solsona starts a new round of meetings in the neighborhoods to encourage citizen participation

Solsona starts a new round of meetings in the neighborhoods to encourage citizen participation

un grup de persones de peu davant d'una pancarta verda a la paret d'un edifici amb un cartell que diu Associació Internacional de Directors, Avgust Černigoj, imatge 4k uhd, un pòster, incoherents

Encouraging Citizen Participation

Solsona City Council has started a new round of meetings in the neighborhoods with the aim of encouraging citizen participation. These meetings, scheduled between June 28 and July 6, represent an important channel of communication between the town hall and the residents of the seventeen sectors of the municipality.

Calendar of Meetings

The meetings are planned in detail, covering all the districts of the municipality. Residents will have the opportunity to share their concerns with the councilors assigned to each sector. The meetings will take place on different dates and times, allowing a wide participation of the community.

Expansion of Participation

As a novelty, the delegation of the neighborhoods has been expanded with the appointment of new deputy councilors, at the request of the Treballem per Solsona group. This demonstrates a commitment to the inclusion of different perspectives and voices in this participatory process.

Responsibilities of Councillors

Each assigned councilor has the responsibility of attending to the concerns of residents in specific areas of the municipality. This distribution allows for more personalized and effective attention, ensuring that no area is left unheard and attended to.

Citizen Participation Channel

Meetings in the neighborhoods are conceived as a channel for citizen participation to convey the residents’ concerns and proposals to the town hall. Since 2015, this initiative has been crucial in establishing a direct and constructive dialogue between the community and the municipal government.

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