Inici » Summer University in Puigcerdà: an opportunity for training and growth

Summer University in Puigcerdà: an opportunity for training and growth

un grup de persones al voltant d'un cartell a l'herba amb papers al davant i muntanyes al fons, Avgust Černigoj, mitjans oficials, una foto d'estoc, regionalisme

An opportunity for academic and practical training

The Cerdanya University Association, Ramon Llull University and Puigcerdà City Council have joined forces to offer a new edition of the Summer University. This unique training opportunity will take place in the Cerdana capital from July 15 to 19. The program combines academic courses and practical workshops that adapt to the reality of the region.

A diverse and innovative training offer

The course poster offers a wide variety of interesting topics. In addition to the already consolidated courses, there are new proposals such as the course “How to create videos with your mobile like a professional and share your message with the world” and the Creative Writing course endorsed by the Writing School of ‘Atheneu Barcelonès. There are also courses on mindfulness, the figure of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Handel’s music, conflict management, physical education, horticulture and public procurement in the Pyrenees.

Practical workshops for everyday life

The workshops are designed to address topics relevant to everyday life. Some examples include “Family Constellations: The New Couple Relationships,” with psychologist Sara Rodríguez; “Healthy and creative cooking”, by culinary advisor Jordi Tomàs; “The world of beer, its perfect plans and the Oktoberfest”, with Toni Cot from Cerdano; and “Financial education for non-experts”, with Toni Cot and the economist Xavier Alcázar. These workshops offer practical and useful knowledge for everyday life.

Parallel activities to enrich the experience

In addition to the courses and workshops, the Summer University offers a program of parallel activities to enrich the participants’ experience. These activities include an inaugural conference on the aesthetic pressure on women, a Night of the Stars with astronomical observation and an Arts Night with a contemporary dance show. The closing of the event will be a conference on climate change.

A unique opportunity in Puigcerdà

The Summer University in Puigcerdà is a unique opportunity for training and personal growth. With a diverse and innovative training offer, this event offers participants the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills in an inspiring and enriching environment. Don’t miss this opportunity for training and discovery in the capital of Cerdana.

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