Inici » Súria celebrates Sant Joan’s Night with a party full of tradition and excitement

Súria celebrates Sant Joan’s Night with a party full of tradition and excitement

un grup de persones al voltant de l'altre amb torxes a les mans i gent al seu voltant mirant-los, Coppo di Marcovaldo, imatge promocional, una foto, antípodes

A record of flame bearers

Súria experienced an unforgettable St. John’s Eve, full of party and excitement. This year, the celebration broke records with the number of bearers of the Canigó flame. About fifty local athletes carried the flame from the Coll d’Ares to the front of the town hall, where the main event of the festival took place ( -structure-text-Catalan/).

A route full of reliefs

The flame arrived in Súria after a long journey that passed through several towns such as Ripoll, Montesquiu, Avinyó, Manresa, Sant Joan de Vilatorrada and Callús. The pallbearers did relays along the route, although some completed the entire route.

The central event of the party

The central event of the Night of Sant Joan in Súria took place in front of the town hall. Mayor Albert Coberó lit the peveter of the flame and read this year’s manifesto, written by writer and journalist Núria Cadenes. The manifesto highlights the symbolic value of the flame as a torch that passes from hand to hand, crossing time and representing the resilience of the people (

Music, dance and castles

During the Night of Sant Joan, Súria was filled with music, dance and castles. The performances of the La Llanterna Choral Society, the Colla Castellera Salats, the Tro Gros Rattlesnake Dance and the Capgrossos de Sant Joan enlivened the party. The musical accompaniment was provided by Cobla Súria. The event closed with the interpretation of the Catalan national anthem, Els Segadors, and a sardane ballad (

Acknowledgments and institutional presence

The Councilor for Sports and Festivities, Alba Martínez, thanked the work of all the people who made possible the celebration of Sant Joan’s Night in Súria. The event was attended by other members of the municipal corporation, who wanted to share this very special party with the community (

A party organized with passion

The celebration of Saint John’s Night in Súria was made possible thanks to the town hall and different organizations and groups such as Trabucaires del Tro Gros, Escaldats de Súria, Anxovaires, Colla Castellera Salats, Choral La Llanterna, Geganters del Gorg de l ‘Olla, Cobla Súria and ADF Defensors del Bosc. All of them worked with passion to ensure that the party was a success.

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