Inici » Sustainable management of heat networks in the Pyrenees: an experience in South Tyrol

Sustainable management of heat networks in the Pyrenees: an experience in South Tyrol

un grup de persones dempeus en un camp davant d'una serralada amb arbres i muntanyes al fons, Avgust Černigoj, imatge 4k uhd, una foto d'estoc, incoherents

A Visit to South Tyrol

The Forest Science and Technology Center of Catalonia (CTFC) in Solsona recently organized a trip to South Tyrol, with representatives from several municipalities in the Catalan Pyrenees. This initiative made it possible to learn closely about the management models of heat networks in this Italian region, with the aim of finding parallels and inspiration for the sustainable management of heat networks in the Pyrenees.

Heat Network Management Models

During the visit, various heat networks of different sizes were explored, which supply energy to villages of 250 to 8,000 inhabitants in South Tyrol. The representatives of the Pyrenees had the opportunity to learn about various management models, such as through a public company of several municipalities, with an energy cooperative promoted by the city council, with a municipally owned network with outsourced technical service or with an energy cooperative promoted by forest owners.

Learning and Preparation

This experience has been valuable in understanding the challenges and opportunities presented in the management of heat networks in the Pyrenees. The Pyrenean representatives were able to share experiences and visions of the future with their counterparts in South Tyrol, and are now in the phase of preparing information documents on the energy possibilities with biomass and the thermal needs of each Pyrenean region for the preparation of its regional strategy for heat networks.

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