The Althaia Foundation in Manresa: 25 years training health specialists

The training of resident doctors at the Althaia Foundation

The Althaia Foundation in Manresa has been a benchmark in the training of health professionals for the past 25 years. Since its creation in 1998, it has trained a total of 331 specialists in different medical disciplines.

The role of resident physicians

Medical residents are professionals who have completed their medical degree and are seeking to specialize in a specific area of ​​medicine. These professionals must spend between four and five years in a residency program to deepen the knowledge and skills needed to practice their specialty.

The importance of resident training

The training of resident doctors is essential for the healthcare system, as it ensures the availability of qualified professionals in different specialties. In addition to the care aspect, the training of residents is an important contribution that Manresa makes to the health system.

The Hospital of Sant Joan de Déu in Manresa

The Hospital de Sant Joan de Déu de Manresa stands out for being a medium-sized hospital center that offers personalized and quality care to its patients. This proximity and the welcoming atmosphere are factors that attract residents and make them consider the possibility of staying and working in Manresa after completing their training.

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