Inici » The candidates for the European elections dedicate the day of reflection to various activities

The candidates for the European elections dedicate the day of reflection to various activities

un grup de persones assegudes en una habitació amb un altaveu davant i un altaveu al darrere, Arthur Sarkissian, David Lazar, una foto d'estoc, incoherents

The candidates for the European elections opt for various activities on the day of reflection

The day of reflection before the European elections on 9-J has seen the candidates taking time out for various activities to relax and spend time with family and friends. After an intense campaign, the list leaders have opted for various forms of entertainment and rest to recharge their energies before election day.

Various activities

Candidates have chosen a wide range of activities to spend the day of reflection. Some have chosen to spend time with family and friends, while others have decided to enjoy cultural and sporting activities. This includes going to the theater, reading, going on nature trips like hiking or biking. This diversity of options reflects the importance of relaxing and recharging energy before a crucial event like the European elections.

Concrete examples

Toni Comín, Junts candidate, has decided to spend the day with his family in Leuven, Belgium, where he has lived since exile. During the day, she intends to help her daughter prepare for a piano exam. On the other hand, Javi López of the PSC will attend the Teatre Victòria to see ‘Deforme Semanal’ and will spend the afternoon with his friends and nieces. Jaume Asens dels Comuns will take advantage of the day to get away from the limelight and do sport, taking his bike for a ride along Barcelona’s promenade to see the sea.


The reflection day offered the candidates the opportunity to relax and enjoy various activities before the European elections. This diversity of approaches reflects the importance of finding a balance between the intensity of the campaign and personal well-being, preparing to face Election Day with clarity and renewed energy.

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