The concern for the health of Juan Carlos: trust, limitations and hope

A new stage marked by concern

Juan Carlos, aware of his advanced age, recognizes that he is no longer the same as before. However, he faces a deep fear of death and does not wish to leave this world in which he has found so much pleasure and continues to enjoy, despite the increasing limitations. Recently, it has become known that the king emeritus regularly visits a trusted clinic in Vitoria to undergo innovative treatments with stem cells and platelets, in the hope of alleviating his mobility problems (https://correccioencatala .cat/com-estructura-text-catala/).

A history of health problems

Since the emergency hip operation in 2012, Juan Carlos’ health has not been the same. He has undergone several surgeries without experiencing significant improvement. Doctors have warned that he will likely end up in a wheelchair in his final years, a prospect he refuses to accept. Showing himself unable to walk is like admitting defeat for him, and he feels like a dethroned and devastated king (

Clinic visits and family support

Despite the concerns about his health, Juan Carlos continues with his visits to the clinic in Vitoria and has the support of his family, especially the infanta Elena, who has already moved to Sanxenxo to be by his side. The royal family is extremely concerned about the advanced age of Juan Carlos, and they are preparing to provide him with the necessary support in these final years.

A future marked by uncertainty

Although innovative treatments are delaying the progress of their health problems, the inevitable outcome will be the same. Immortality cannot be bought, and death comes for everyone, no matter how much money one has. In his final years, the king emeritus will likely end up abdicated, a prospect that would deeply depress him. It will be very difficult times for him, but he will have the support of his entire family (

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