Inici » The Countless Physical Benefits of Climbing: How It Improves the Quality of Life

The Countless Physical Benefits of Climbing: How It Improves the Quality of Life


A Unique Physical Alternative

Climbers have long since abandoned the exclusive dependence on the gym for their physical preparation in front of the mountains. Urban climbing walls have been a popular choice for decades, allowing climbers to stay fit and simulate the physical demands of the natural environment. In addition, some climbing walls have incorporated weights and gym machines to complement this preparation. However, climbing itself is a spectacular tool for physical and mental health.

Popularity in Spain

Spain is a country with a great passion for sport, with six out of ten citizens participating regularly in some sporting activity. This popularity has fueled the growth of urban climbing walls, with more than 300 installations across the country. In addition, sport climbing has experienced a significant increase, being the fifth federation with the most licenses and the second in the case of women. This popularity is reflected in events such as Madrid Climbing, a massive event held in Arroyomolinos in June.

Physical Benefits

Climbing offers a wide variety of physical benefits. It strengthens muscles and bones, especially in children and teenagers, and helps reduce age-related bone loss. In addition, it improves the strength and holding capacity of the upper limbs and involves additional work of the lower limbs, improving their strength and flexibility.

Balance and Stability

Climbing also contributes to improving stability and balance, benefiting the abdominal core muscles, back and lumbar muscles, and improving posture and flexibility.

Other Benefits

In addition to the obvious physical benefits, climbing also increases heart rate and blood flow, lowers blood sugar, and helps with weight management. This helps prevent heart-related diseases, metabolic syndrome and diabetes, and promotes a healthier and longer life.

Prevention and Care

Climbing requires proper footwear to prevent foot injuries. In addition, it is advisable to consult a health professional before starting this sport to prevent possible injuries associated with the activity.

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