Order of the Barcelona Court
The Barcelona Court has issued a ruling ordering an investigation into the complaint filed by Jordi Ros, one of the 12 CDR members accused in Operation Judas, for alleged harassment and torture suffered during searches and transfers.
According to the resolution, the 3rd section of the Barcelona Court has criticized the investigation of the case to date, describing it as terrible and pointing out the violation of Ros’s rights due to the serious delays produced.
Situation of the accused and criminal proceedings
The 12 neighbors accused of terrorism in Operation Judas are waiting for the publication in the BOE of the amnesty law to request the archiving of their trial, alleging that the facts for which they are accused would fall under this rule of criminal oblivion. of the Process. Despite the opposition of part of the Prosecutor’s Office, the National Court has called a hearing for the end of June, prior to the trial, in which sentences of 27 to 8 years in prison are requested for the 12 CDR.
Details of Jordi Ros’s complaint
In the complaint filed, Jordi Ros recounts alleged coercion and threats by Civil Guard agents during the searches at his home in Sabadell, as well as during the transfer to Madrid. Furthermore, he claims that he was prevented from being appointed a lawyer and that he was subjected to inhumane conditions during the transfer. He also denounces that his rights were violated, including the alleged detention of his family.
Decision of the Barcelona Court
The Court of Barcelona has ordered that the complaint for torture be investigated quickly, indicating that it must be admitted in its entirety and the investigation of the facts must be ordered without further delay, given the violation of the right to a trial without delay. Judge Carme Guil, the court’s rapporteur, has stated that the events occur in a clear criminal continuity, from Sabadell to the dungeons of the National Court in Madrid.