The curious relationship with the night at St. Feliu

A peculiar night

In St. Feliu, the night has always had a peculiar relationship with its inhabitants. From the darkness surrounding the arrival of the city to the curious freaks that occur in the streets, the night in San Feliu has always been a topic of interest and discussion.

mysterious lighting

One of the most prominent aspects is the scene presented in the streets of Santa Maria and St. Antoni, where you can observe a curious phenomenon of progressive blackout from public lamps. This situation, which remembers the 12 Israeli tribes, has none of the attention of the inhabitants. However, thanks to the action of anonymous angels of the municipal service, has been achieved to restore enlightenment in some areas, although others still expect a new remix of light bulbs.

Misteris nocturns

In addition to light phenomenons, the tracks that lead to the temporary Rodial Station have also become a riddle for the pedestrians. Top Street lamps, sometimes they are turned down, creating a shellic environment and a certain difficulty for the walkers. This situation is added to cross the Christmas park at sunset, where enlightenment is not quite blunt enough, generating an experience of the souls of their own night.

Reflexions i propostes

With the arrival of summer and long enough of the days, many residents begin to think about the next holidays. This has led to the proposal to grant a time of well-evolute and reflection for local authorities, but with the condition that they take particular measures to improve the night’s enlightenment. This call for action is intended as an opportunity for all the villagers to participate in improving their environment.


In short, the relationship with the night at St. Feliu is without any doubt, curious and full of mysteries, from peculiar enlightenment to the enigmas surrounding the night tracks, the night in San Feliu is a topic that leaves no indifferent to any of its inhabitants.

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