Inici » The Danger of Fake News and Artificial Intelligence

The Danger of Fake News and Artificial Intelligence

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The Growing Threat of Fake News

‘FN’ and ‘AI’ represent a growing concern for society. Technological advances, despite their advantages, also bring disadvantages, especially in the context of the proliferation of ‘FN’ and the use of ‘AI’. The ability to distinguish between authentic and fake news, as well as to verify the manipulation of images, is becoming more and more complex due to technological perfection ( Catalan/).

The Risk of Manipulation with Artificial Intelligence

The use of artificial intelligence has raised concerns, as evidenced recently by the spread of a fake video on social media. This video impersonated the archbishop of Urgell and co-prince of Andorra, Joan Enric Vives, to promote a dubious project related to oil. This example illustrates how the manipulation of artificial intelligence can be used to spread misleading and harmful information (

The Difficulty of Distinguishing Authentic News

The proliferation of sensationalist and distorted headlines in the digital press is also a concern. Sometimes these headlines do not correspond to the actual content of the news, forcing readers to consume misleading content and advertising. This practice questions the integrity of the information presented and makes it difficult to distinguish between authentic and manipulated news (

Manipulation in the Sports Context

Distorted headlines have also been seen in the sports context, where phrases are used out of context to generate controversy and grab readers’ attention. This practice can distort the perception of sports events and create confusion among consumers of sports information.


In summary, the proliferation of ‘FN’ and the use of ‘AI’ poses significant challenges for society. The ability to distinguish between authentic and manipulated information is crucial in an increasingly complex digital environment. It is essential to address these issues to preserve the integrity of information and protect society from the harmful effects of misinformation (

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