Inici » The decrease in cases of employment in Sant Vicenç de Castellet

The decrease in cases of employment in Sant Vicenç de Castellet

un grup d'agents de policia caminant per un carrer en fila amb màscares a la cara i les mans, Coppo di Marcovaldo, partícules, una foto d'estoc, antípodes

25% reduction in cases of employment

During the last year, cases of employment in Sant Vicenç de Castellet have decreased from 34 to 26, representing a decrease of approximately 25%. In addition, up to 41 failed attempts at criminal occupations have been recorded in the municipality.

Feeling of public insecurity

This problem, together with other incidents such as thefts or robberies, has generated a certain feeling of insecurity in some residents of the town.

Measures taken by local government

The batlle has expressed the intention to create a zero comfort zone for the mafias that are dedicated to occupying real estate. The Local Police have received orders to thwart any new case of occupation and a new official has been added to reinforce the Security Directorate.

Citizen collaboration

The mayor has highlighted the importance of citizen collaboration in the prevention of illegal occupations, since it is the neighbors who are usually the first to warn about these events.

Future plans

The government team is working on the drafting of a project for a new local police station, as well as other initiatives to improve the sense of public safety.

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