The Educational Disclosure of Juanjo Fernández Sola

An Innovative Approach

Juanjo Fernández Sola, renowned teacher, writer and lecturer, has presented his latest work, ‘Life as a couple can be a wonder’, under the Claret publishing label. This book offers an innovative approach to divulging the age-old secrets to a healthy and happy relationship. With reflections, experiences, anecdotes and inspiring drawings, the author seeks to bring to everyone the keys to a life as a couple full of patience, trust, kindness, joy, humility, generosity and passion, among other qualities.

Structure and Content

The book follows the division of 1Co 13, 4-7 into thirteen sections, developing the various attitudes and values ​​that can help in the couple’s relationship. In addition, it includes some ‘Duties of Love’, exercises to consolidate the different attitudes. The content is presented with a combination of text and drawings, using the technique of Visual Thinking to make the ideas more understandable. Thus, the illustrations not only accompany the text, but also serve as guidelines for doing the exercises (

Representation of the Couple

Fernández Sola has chosen to represent the couple with two hearts, avoiding the limitation of relationships to specific gender roles. Through this representation, the author seeks to convey the universality of love, making it accessible to people of all ages, genders, races and conditions. This choice reflects the inclusive vision of the author, in line with the principles of diversity and equality.

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